How Does Our Relationship With Ourselves Affect Our Mental Health? by Lay Cheng

Lay Cheng, a youth community member with Resilience Collective shares with us how having a strict upbringing affected her own self-image. This perception continued as she grew up, and impacted her self-esteem, and she says, “Even as an adult, I have a tendency to be critical towards myself.”


Having a community that Lay Cheng could count on helped her realise that everyone’s mental health narrative matters, and that they matter as a person.


During her free time, Lay Cheng enjoys baking and constantly seeks to better herself.


Share this with someone today! And encourage a person that you know who might be going through similar struggles to seek help and find support.


Join our peer support sessions here.

Reflection Questions

Take a deep breath in, and spend a few minutes gently pondering over these questions from the video:


1. What are 3 things I can do to stop being self-critical?


2. What are 2 steps I can take to foster self-love?

Part 2: “You Are Not Weak and You Are Not A Failure” by Lay Cheng

It’s disheartening when we are met with constant silence when applying for jobs. Take a moment to listen as Lay Cheng recounts the challenge of job-hunting during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Dealing with tremendous amounts of self-doubt and pressure is not easy, but Lay Cheng found a safe space in the RC community. Through peer support, she could articulate her true thoughts and feelings, both positive and negative, to a community that understands and listens actively.


Join our peer support sessions here.

Reflection Questions

Take a deep breath in, and spend a few minutes gently pondering over these questions from the video:


1. What are 3 things I can do when I am overwhelmed by self-doubt and pressure?


2. What are 2 things I can work on to better the relationship with myself?

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