Latest Past Events

Circle of WE: Silence is Deafening: Coping with The Holiday Season

For many of us, familiar tunes and gift exchanges often ring in the holiday season with much merriment and joy. Yet for others, notes of silence and loneliness punctuate the air. If you are battling year-end loneliness, come and find warmth and support from our RC peers. At our next peer support group session, discover - 1. Why we may experience a range of heightened emotions during the holiday season and why it is a struggle for some;2. Different methods of dealing with the range of heightened emotions the holiday season can trigger;3. A fun and simple e-calendar tool to ground us as we navigate through the year-end holidays.

Circle of WE: From Stress to Zest: Thriving at the Workplace and School

If you find yourself hitting the snooze button every time the morning alarm rings, find out how to beat those Monday blues and progress from merely getting by to thriving where you are planted. In this session, join us and discover:1. How to overcome challenges at work and school posed by the pandemic;  2. Mental wellness resources and initiatives you can tap into to help support you in work and at school3. How envisioning yourself one year from now through writing an encouraging letter to your future self can propel you towards achieving your goals. Together, we can envision our future and build thriving communities!